MOHAP to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques to rehabilitate patients

07/08/2018 Health and fitness | Ministry of Health & Prevention

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In the line with its effort to keep up with the age of Science and future technology Ministry of Health and Prevention (MOHAP) has proposed the introduction of Virtual Reality (VR) rehabilitation for effective medical intervention in cases of stroke patients, those suffering from balance issues and children with developmental disorders, Cerebral Palsy and Parkinson’s Disease, by using Artificial Intelligence to provide a host of competitive health services locally and globally

VR rehabilitation technology makes use of virtual world simulation to meet various requirements for effective medical intervention to achieve the best results using the video game controller and the moving sensor. Scientific studies have proven the effectiveness of this innovative technique in the rehabilitation and treatment of many such cases

The integration of Artificial Intelligence into medical services has been envisioned by the government to fast-track the progress of the country’s healthcare sector, enhance patient satisfaction and achieve the goals of the National Agenda 2030 for sustainable development

In the treatment of stroke, the virtual reality system evaluates and enhances the recovery of the affected upper portion of the body, in addition to providing training for the walking device used for rehabilitation. The patient moves at a speed mounted on the motion platform, with changing virtual environments being displayed on the front screen to simulate daily activities. In the treatment of the balance disorder, virtual reality is proven to be a safe and effective alternative to conventional therapy for improving balance in patients, who reported the technique to comfortable and free of side effects, while providing increased motivation

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Anonymous Commented on 26/08/2018

لا يخفي على احد ان الامارات ممثلة فى وزارة الصحة من البلدان السباقة لتبنى احدث التقنيات وافضل الممارسات العالمية فى المجال الطبى ولتكن الخطوات المستقبلية ممنهجة وفى اطار زمنى محدد لتطبيق التقنية وتدريب العاملين و متابعة التقدم فى هذه الفكرة الرائدة

Anonymous Commented on 15/08/2018

متى سيتم تطبيق النظام، وفي أي مؤسسة صحية، أو أن الموضوع ما زال في طور الدراسة فقط؟

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